Memorial Cards, Christmas Fundraiser, Results W/E 09/01/2022

Memorial Cards: Churchill Heritage Group has started a project where they will collect memorial cards that you may have of deceased parishioners, scan them and insert them in a book to be published in the coming months.

There is a collection box at back of Churchill church for memorial cards for inclusion in a book to be published by Churchill Heritage Group. Please place any memorial cards you have of deceased parishioners in the envelopes provided and place completed envelopes in the box. The memorial cards will be safely kept until scanned for printing and returned to you in due course. Alternatively, you can give cards to committee members Peggy Daly (087 7750129), Joan Harmon (086 2110004) or Christine Gallagher (086 4459265) with whom you can discuss any concerns you may have.

Christmas Fundraiser: Thanks to all who have taken part in our Christmas Fundraiser. Regarding the results of the competition, you will be aware that some games in the Premier League were postponed over Christmas, 14 in total, so we will wait for these matches to be played over the coming months before we can see who the winners are.

Training: Training for our teams has recommenced or will be in the coming week so keep any eye/ear out for details from the various managers.